I need HELP the devices sticks on the android logo


Mar 27, 2013
I need HELP..!!! I am close to by breaking point when it comes to this tablet. When turning it on, during the booting process it stays on the 'android' screen and stays there FOREVER!!!. I carried it to geek squad, the dude over the counter told me it cannot be fixed. I have fixed and repaired windows computers since 2004 when i was 11 and i know that anything can be fixed so I need help I don't know the firmware but i can show pics of the device. Actually this is the device Link removed. I need help asap. please email me at rudy.pcjunkii.com.

Thank you in advance

The link to the tablet was removed as it violates the forum rules and guidelines. We understand why you posted it, but you might be better served in the future with taking photos of your device and either storing them at places like Photobucket, or loading them to the server here.

Your friendly androidtablets.net moderation team
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To fix it yourself requires something I don't think you have and probably cannot get: the original firmware image. Thus the Geek Squad rep was actually right: it can't be fixed. Well, at least not by them. You could of course send it back to the manufacturer, if you can get past the language barrier and the customs fees you'd have to pay for shipping it.

I don't know how much money you spent on this tablet, but for your next tablet spend more money than you did on this one and get something with a brand name on it.