My C91 Zt-280 Died


May 23, 2012
I bought my C91 a few months ago and it worked fine until a couple of days ago. Three or four days ago I was playing Angry Birds and actually worked my way up to level 21. I then started the Reuters news reader app and after reading a couple of articles the thing froze on me with the white screen of death, just a white screen, nothing else. The power on/off was useless so I just let the battery drain. Once dead I plugged it in and let the battery fully charge. The tablet started just fine and seemed to work OK, but then froze while I was watching a video clip. Did the same thing all over again. I started it yesterday and it seemed to work for a while until I got a blue screen of death. Let the battery completely drain, plugged it in and charged up the battery. Now when I push the power button, nothing happens.

Before I declare this thing a piece of junk and toss it into the trash and chock one up to experience, is there a factory reset option I could try? Perhaps that will do the trick.
I bought my C91 a few months ago and it worked fine until a couple of days ago. Three or four days ago I was playing Angry Birds and actually worked my way up to level 21. I then started the Reuters news reader app and after reading a couple of articles the thing froze on me with the white screen of death, just a white screen, nothing else. The power on/off was useless so I just let the battery drain. Once dead I plugged it in and let the battery fully charge. The tablet started just fine and seemed to work OK, but then froze while I was watching a video clip. Did the same thing all over again. I started it yesterday and it seemed to work for a while until I got a blue screen of death. Let the battery completely drain, plugged it in and charged up the battery. Now when I push the power button, nothing happens.

Before I declare this thing a piece of junk and toss it into the trash and chock one up to experience, is there a factory reset option I could try? Perhaps that will do the trick.

Hey MisterD

Sorry about your issues mate, but I would not give up hope just yet as there are various options you can try.There is a factory reset button, on your tablet look at the row of ports and buttons (power, usb, sd card etc); you're looking for a tiny pinhole right next to LAN connection port. Insert a pin and you will feel a little button-push, hold for a few seconds and release. Now try and let us know how yo go. Should that fail then there are other options we can try but see how that goes first.
What did your memory usage look like before you had problems? What version of the firmware were you using? Have you tried reinstalling the firmware? These are just a few of the options that we may need to explore.

Like somebody already said, unless you actually take these things apart, most of the problems are software related and there's almost always a way to fix these.
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