Need help on Link2sd -Coby Kyros M1024-4g


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2011
after having troubles in getting my coby to be rooted i just installed the EVO CFW by Ifom (thanks). now its rooted. :) now the problem is i cant make the link2sd to work. tried the instructions on the developer itself on xda forum but its not working.

when i try to run it says:

mount script error

mount script cannot be created

mount: mounting /dev/block/vold/179:2 on /data/sdext2 failed: device or resource busy

jeez another problem. :) can anyone can help me?

anyway Merry Christmas to all.
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after searching finally got the answer by installing the lower version of link2sd 1.7.

1. partition the external sd card mine is 16gig (10gig FAT32 and 5gig ext2) both primary with mini tool partition wizard home edition (im ok with this no problem at all)
2. insert the external sd card into tablet. (this was easy)
3. run the link2sd and when it asked what type of partition i just need to choose the "ext2"
4.reboot then open again the link2sd now working.
5. install latest version of link2sd 1.9

im happy now cause my coby is rooted with cool CFW and with running link2sd.
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