need help with my Dell Streak - willing to pay! $$$


Feb 19, 2011
I have an at&t dell streak which came with android 1.6, build 6601. I have tried to update the rom on it multiple ways. I am new to this, but I do understand how to update the recovery on the phone, as well as how to flash the actual rom. From what I can tell, you need to have the right combination of the correct recovery, rom, and root to get it working. I feel I have tried everything I can with no luck. I need a pro's help now to get my phone at least working on 1.6 again, or preferably running the 2.2 release for the phone. As of now, my phone will only boot in recovery or fastboot. If you know you can help me, I am fully willing to pay you for your time in walking me through getting my phone working again. Perhaps over skype? I can pay via pay pal or however you prefer. Here's a little more info about what I've tried and failed at:

-QDL tool- app connects to phone (as a qualcomm device) and starts to install, but has the error:[D14] Streaming hello Failed! error: Download fail!

-stock.recovery- recovery comes up when boot in fast boot, but when I try to apply the Update.pkg file, it starts opening the file and about half way through the progress of opening/applying it, it gives an error about "can't load tmp/boot.img" or "error in update.pkg.dec file"

-clockwork recovery- trying to unpack any file: similar to the stock recovery, it begins opening/applying it but then gives the error mesage of "Flashing BOOT assert failed: write_raw_image("/tmp/boot.img", "boot") error in /sdcard/

What makes this even more frustrating is that I successfully updated my wifes streak to the O2 2.2 update fairly easily by simply loading the O2 1.6 recovery on it and flashing the O2 1.6 version rom. By doing so, I could do the over the air update and loaded the O2 2.2 rom. As you probably already know, AT&T still has not released their version of the 2.2 update. I tried applying the same process to update my streak, but somehow it's not taking the update like my wifes phone did.

Anyhow, time is money and I need someone that knows they can get my phone working again (preferably on 2.2). If you are interested in making some easy money walking me through fixing my phone (perhaps over skype or just a phone call) please contact me asap. email: killtheradio (at)

