new owner experience Le Pan TC970


Dec 23, 2011
hello everybody

I just get my new Le Pan 4days ago, so far...not so good. There are cool stuffs with this tablet and some problems that really bug me

first time I plugged with Ac adapter it seems no response. After twebty minutes I try to turn in on and it works fine, but quicly run out of I charged again. I noticed that this time the AC adapter was cold (it seems is not working) so I leave the tab charging all night.
Next day I check the AC again...still cold, and the tablet doesnt respond although I keeped press the power buttom, nothing.
I was very concerned so I send a message to support website. The answer they give me was about the charger image that appears when you plug the AC charger,that doesnt help.
I check the FAQ of the site and they recommend press the reset buttom, so after a day trying to turn on my tab I press the reset buttom and woila! it comes to life again...

that same day I install some Apps and mess with the Le Pan. I got to say that I love the fast response of the screen and everything but (as alwasys) there is some annoying bugs

Almost everytime the tab goes to Sleep Mode, this dont want to wake up with the powe buttom, so I got to press the reset buttom which is why I have to carry a metal clip with me ( yes you can laugh) could you imagine that? pressing the damn buttom with that thing everytime my tab dont want wake up? is freaking annoying!

that without mention that when I try some app like last Fm or something the tab freeze it ...a real pain as you can see

So now I wast considering update the firmware, I answer to Le Pan support if this could fix this bugs but they doesnt response.
I really like to know if there is other Le Pan users with same problem and if they could fix this...please, let me know
Kinda seems like you've got a lemon. First off, I'd try plugging your tablet into a PC USB port and charging it that way just to see whether it is the AC adapter that is busted (sounds likely) or the tablet itself.

But aside from that, what you are describing sounds like unacceptable problems. Some people have to do resets more often (my friend who got hers says she is resetting it once or twice a week using it constantly, whereas I've had mine longer and haven't had to reset once). But what you're describing seems pretty bad.

I can't vouch for or against Le Pan customer support - I've heard good things, but haven't used them myself - but get the firmware update information from them and then give that a try. If that doesn't fix your problem, I'd return it. Your tablet should *not* be giving you that much trouble.

Oh, and, make sure you give it a full charge at least once if you can manage it.
What is your current firmware version?
I have had to reset my wife's Le Pan twice after it goes into "sleep of death" - where it doesn't wake up using power button. Fortunately, she uses it every day and never has to do it. Why it only did it to me and not her is a mystery! I think there are definitely still some things they need to work out in the current firmware.
Anyway, if your firmware isn't current, I'd try that first.
Did the battery indicator say the tablet is fully charged after you let it charge overnight?
hey guys
tired of the freeze up I just updated the firmware yesterday...I cant say there is some improve on the tablet
yesterday freeze twice and today in morning one...
THE support of LePan dont answer my case since two days, maybe just they dont care or maybeis for the holydays
whatever I will keep update about this issue
See ya and merry Christmas !