Overwhelmed with choice for cheap Tablets, can someone help? :D


Aug 30, 2011
hey there!

i've been doing my best to research on current chips on chinese phones, and i think I know the hardware specs I'm after :D

however, the more I search, the more options I find and for most of them, I have no clue regarding build quality, reliability, ROM/Firmware quality or even if the particular model I see in the store websites is even real! :confused:

So, basically i'm looking to spend around 150$ for a 7" 800*480 CAPACITIVE device with a RK2918/GC800 or an AMlogic Cortex A9/Mali400... 512Mb RAM is a must, but I don't much care about storage space as I'll most likely fit a big SD card..

So searching several sites for tablets that matched these criteria, I found, for roughly this price:

Wopad i7

Cube U8GT

Zenithink ZT280 C71 (supposedly with an AML A9/Mali400)

now... I tried searching for this zenithink but I cant find it anywhere? I only get reference to a E98 with different size, resolution, aspect ratio, etc.. Should I trust this to ZT to be real, or is it likely to be a scam?

which one would you guys go for? They are all android 2.3, but which one should have a better, more stable ROM? Is there any other you would reccomend over these on the same price range?

Thanks for any help you may give, and sorry for the long post! :D
(BTW, I'm an experienced android PHONE user but talet noob :p)