Problems with browser in Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1... new!


Mar 11, 2012
Hello All! I am a new owner of a Galaxy Tab 10.1... my problem is that I am having trouble with my browser. When I log onto websites, the touch screen is non-functional at the "hotspots". I do have a screen shield; however, this only happens while online or when using a chat network client such as, Facebook for Android. Is there anyone experiencing these problems? And, is there is such thing as customer service from Samsung? I have a useless $500.00 toy until I work this out.

I purchased the Samsung on the grounds that it was supposed to out perform the iPad from Apple... I'm thinking I was seriously wrong!

Hello All! I am a new owner of a Galaxy Tab 10.1... my problem is that I am having trouble with my browser. When I log onto websites, the touch screen is non-functional at the "hotspots". I do have a screen shield; however, this only happens while online or when using a chat network client such as, Facebook for Android. Is there anyone experiencing these problems? And, is there is such thing as customer service from Samsung? I have a useless $500.00 toy until I work this out.

I purchased the Samsung on the grounds that it was supposed to out perform the iPad from Apple... I'm thinking I was seriously wrong!


Mine works fine with teh touch screen and with a screen sheild on it so I'm not sure what your problem might be. Is it when you actually log in to a site and authenticate? Is it just one specific web sites or all?
I have a bit of a problem with the browser not being fully functional on aparticular site that I log into, it works well for most of the functions on the site but I can't do a few things. I downloaded the FireFox App and a couple other browser Apps but get the same result. I know the site uses extensive JS so could be some specific SJ code that the Android can't handle.