Rooted a Coby Kyros MID7015... now what?


Jun 14, 2011
As the title suggests, I bought a Coby Kyros MID7015 and rooted it. So far, all I've done is install the Android Market (and deleted every shortcut I had for AppsLib) and I'm about to install a graphical fix for a few apps.

What I would like to know is... what now? What can I do to further increase performance? I'd heard whispers of apps for increasing the processor speed, virtual memory page file, maybe upgrading to 2.2 or something; I really just don't know exactly what I should do next, if anything. I want to get the very most out of this tablet, though.

Also, this is my first post, so Hi! I go by Metamyth on the internets. I have the Coby Kyros MID7015.

That's about it. Any pointers?
To be honest, I didn't even know there were different models. So I wouldn't really be the best help on that... I'm fairly new to the tablet scene, as this is my first tablet AND my first device running any version of Android.