sd card problem and networking


Apr 18, 2013
Hi all a couple of noob questions, sorry

I have a Allwinner A13 8gb n900 tablet that seems to work ok,
but when i install a 32gb SD card it can see it and reports that it is there during boot and can read files on it but will not write to it.
i get an error report that says not enough capacity, the card is almost empty 27gb free but it will not write a 100k file to it, are sdcards read only on android tablets?

the other problem i have is with networking,
it connects to my router fine and i can surf DL apps etc and even see my lan and workgroup but i cannot get it to connect to any other device on my network to transfer files to or from.

any ideas?


Welcome to the forum
If the card is a microSD card, (not just a regular SD card) they cannot be write protected, where the full size card can be. My though is that the card may be at fault. Some knockoff cards look OK on a computer but are iffy in Android. If it is a well knwn brand from a reliable source try a reformat as FAT32 on your computer.
Thanks for the reply

it is a micro sd card and i thought they could'nt be write protected, but thought i would ask in case i got it wrong.
i did format it before i tried it, but will format again, this time a full format not a quick one and see how that goes.

any thoughts on the networking problem


You may want to try a different file manager, like ES File Explorer it might help, a lot. Don't forget that those computers need to have shares set up to be able to access them.