Some app notifications disappearing from status bar?


Nov 18, 2010
Why are some app notifications disappearing from the status bar? For instance, I installed Wifi Status, which is supposed to show up on the status bar when my tablet is not connected to a hotspot. What happens is it appears for less than a second, then disappears (usually its place is taken over by the unmount sdcard symbol) when it should be on. Also, when I tap on the status bar, the long date appears for awhile, then goes off again. Are these normal? Other app notifications, such as Battery Booster and Advanced Task Killer Pro, do stay.
The wifi status only stays on when you are connected to a wifi signal or hotspot. as for the long date yes it will appear when you press on the status bar.
By Wifi Status (note the capitalization in my messages), I meant the app by Andrew Schwimmer, which is supposed to display a crossed Wifi on the status bar if the Wifi is turned on but not connected to a hotspot.

The wifi status only stays on when you are connected to a wifi signal or hotspot. as for the long date yes it will appear when you press on the status bar.