Trying to Make Heads or Tails From This...


Nov 12, 2012
I have a brand new Kyros MID1126. Unfortuneately. Out of the box, it doesn't do much. For the first week, it worked more or less fine. Then one day it just went dead, out of nowhere. Like a brick. Then I discovered that if I take out the Micro SD card, it comes back to life. Everything normal. Put in the Micro SD and POOF - out go the lights. While researching this tablet and how to root it, etc. I get the distinct impression that my Micro SD problem might be a software problem and not a hardware problem. So I'm trying to figure out how to root it and to install a custom ROM in the belief that ANYTHING other than what that poor, disappointing Coby Corp. put into it. Seriously, has anybody ever seen a more shady and dubious company? Anyway, I tried to hook up the tablet to my PC so I could root it, but Windows 7 sees it as an Eclair device and only wants to format it. I can't do anything else. I thought maybe I don't have the proper driver installed, so I went and looked around for drivers and came up empty handed. I got the ADB on my computer, as well as that Clockwork thing, but I haven't got a clue as to what I'm supposed to do with all this stuff. And trying to read the multitude of badly spelled and grammatically incomprehensible "tutorials" out there has left me in the lurch. I don't want to brick this thing having misunderstood some illiterate knucklehead's instructions. Is there anyone out there in possession of adequate rhetorical skills that can give me a hand with this?
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Hello Rubyfocus,

Have you tried a different SDcard? if so, you can find ADB drivers for your device here: - TCC ADB DRIVER 32.ZIP

Then windows should be able to recognize it and you can do the rest.

Yes, I tried several SD cards- Same effect. I downloaded the TCC ADB Driver, and Windows still only sees an Eclair device and says that I must format the drive before I can use it. Windows doesn't even try to look for a driver. I tried to change the driver, but the options to do so are all greyed out. The drivers don't have an installer, so I can't install them. I feel like it's 1995 again and I'm trying to get a soundblaster to work in a 14Mhz 286. Unbelieveable.
Yes, I tried several SD cards- Same effect. I downloaded the TCC ADB Driver, and Windows still only sees an Eclair device and says that I must format the drive before I can use it. Windows doesn't even try to look for a driver. I tried to change the driver, but the options to do so are all greyed out. The drivers don't have an installer, so I can't install them. I feel like it's 1995 again and I'm trying to get a soundblaster to work in a 14Mhz 286. Unbelieveable.

Try the "old" way. connect the tablet - Go to device manager and find it. then update the driver (choose location of the driver you've downloaded).
Try the "old" way. connect the tablet - Go to device manager and find it. then update the driver (choose location of the driver you've downloaded).

Good idea.. Went in the back door the old way and was able to at least attempt to update the driver. Windows insisted that I had the best driver for the job. So I uninstalled it, then re-installed it but still nothing. While I was in the device manager, I saw that there were two instances of "Coby Kyros MID1126". They weren't identical. It seems Windows sees the device as two storage devices. I don't know what it all means, but I still can't access the tablet. Every time I try, I get the same message saying that I must format the drive before I can use it. Getting nowhere fast with this conundrum.