update.zip from Coby (build MID7015A 1.6a 1/26/11)

OK...I have no idea why this isn't working. I get to the terminal emulator and type in SU...it gives superuser access. Then I type in flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img and then I get back "flash_image not found" What did I do wrong? I just did this a couple days ago with no problems but then today it won't work....I don't get it at all!

Any suggestions from anyone?
I'm thinking that something's been changed on newer models. When I got this new one it didn't need an update from Coby. Maybe they changed some code or something that doesn't allow this to work. All I know is that I did this just a couple days ago on another 7015 and got it fine. Now with this new one I just got from Amazon it rooted ok but when I get to this particular part it doesn't recognize the file.

This really sucks!
OK...rooting my 2nd Kyros. I thought I had this down pretty well after all the trouble I had doing it the first time. But...of course I was wrong! How do I turn on USB Debugging? I know this is something simple and I know it's explained elsewhere in this forum but I don't have the energy to search it any more. I've been searching for it and can't seem to find where it explains how this is done.

Help please...
is it the same kryos? if so i may can help. what your talking about as far as not foun that is my problem. i bought mine a week ago
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I don't know why that wouldn't work. I had no trouble the first time I did it but then when I tried it again on another Kyros it just wouldn't work. I ended up clearing everything off and starting over from scratch. Used a different method that someone offered on this site and things went smooth as butter. Finally got it and life is good again!

mommy30...if you're still having trouble getting yours set up email me @ [email protected] and I'll try to help you out. This last method I tried made things much easier and was really fast. I'm a complete idiot when it comes to this sort of thing so I need things explained to me like I'm a 6 year old. The way I got this to work this last time was easier for me than the first time because everything was pretty much just copy and paste...my kind of mod! LOL! Anyway, shout at me if you need a hand, maybe I could help out.
BTW...this is the link to the thread in this site with the instructions I used the 2nd time that made things so much easier for me. As I said, I ended up un-rooting the 7015 and then restoring to factory condition before doing this so I would be starting with a clean slate. I still don't know why that way I did it the first time wouldn't work again but no matter because this method was easier and quicker anyway.

I highly recommend clicking this link and following this procedure for anyone who is having difficulty getting Clockwork on their system with other methods. This involved the least amount of "work" and it was much quicker than either way I tried before. Anyway...here's the link to the thread on this forum.....
OMG you are the absoulute BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I followed those instructions and they were so simple. i am so happy. im so excited! Again thank you so much. i love my toys (electronics) and i now can use my tablet. thank you lotsssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
everytime i try to enter cp /sdcard/flash_image /system/bin/flash_image i keep getting
cp: omitting directory '/sdcard/flash_image '
what do i do to get passed this step? and yes i am in SU mode and it has the # sign on it.
There is a new update.zip available at Coby USA's website. You have to open the instructional video for the UPGRADE, and the link for the download is at the bottom of the window along with a link to PDF instructions.

I'm going to install it now. I will report back with versioning and any new features I notice.

Warning: You are advised not to install this update if you have a device that has been already rooted and setup via the Ultimate Guide, as you will temporarily lose root and possibly other functionality.
my update is saying its not compatible do you know what would be going on?