Updating firmware time?


Oct 15, 2011
I got the white Pandigital Novel today and went to update the firmware. I have a 16 gb SD card in it. I downloaded it from this link. Pandigital » Search: went to install it on my device at around 8:30 P.M. Central time and it has been installing since then (roughly 4 and a half hours). It doesn't appear frozen as the bar is still moving. Is this normal? Should I restart the update?

EDIT: After a few more hours with no end of installing in sight, I decided to restart it. To do so I had to press the reset button. Now when i try to turn it on, it just sits at a black screen with "cruz" across the middle. It will not progress any farther. Also i can not shut it down, only reset it. I can not restart updating the firmware.
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You might try taking the back off and carefully unplugging the battery for a few minutes. If you don't feel comfortable doing that, you could just leave it on till the battery goes dead.

Also do some searching at slatedroid.com, you might find some help.
I'd try Pandigital » Downloads -- Pandigital Novel eReaders and see if their system can update it. I'd reformat both sd cards fat 32 before trying it.

Also downloads get corrupted, so if you haven't try redownloading the file.

Be sure to search slatedroid.com they have a lot of experienced folks there. Be sure to do some searching and reading before you post, some of them are rather cranky over there if you don't :-(

If all fails I'd return it to the seller if possible.
I would try to reinstall the firmware but when you download the updater from their site, it runs a scan on your device then downloads the firmware based on what the scan tells it. My device won't turn off far enough for the scan to determine which it needs to download. And I have yet to find the same firmware downloadable any other way.
I saw your post on the other board. Cruz is a hack over at slatedroid. I'd guess that when you got it there was a non pandigital firmware on it. Is that possible? If so, when the pandigital firmware came on it got confused.

This might give you more info to search on. I'd guess a search for Cruz would help you find info on that firmware.

Sorry I didn't tumble to that line of thought earlier. What I get for speed reading, missed it earlier in your first post.