Use Your WonderMedia As A Virtual CD-Drive For ISO's


Nov 16, 2012
Hey guys new to the fourms, but thought id share something i made tonight with you all.

Basically what iv managed to do is allow you to input and mount custom roms when the "driver" USB setting is selected, what does that mean/how is that useful i hear you ask? Well it gives your nice £50 tablet the same functionality as one of these:

isostick - the optical drive in a usb stick by Elegant Invention — Kickstarter

Except you can use ANY usb stick supported by your device neat huh? You can boot from it as well, as it acts like usb cdrom drive with a cd in it, play your game iso's install from it, blah blah.

The Working title is ISOlator and ill release an apk soon <- thats right, it comes with a GUI, iv done the POC so far (literally got the tablet maybe 4 hours ago.)

Anywho let me know if your interested. Oh and THIS REQUIRES ROOT TO WORK!!!11!!

Sorry for the double post, but this has been released on Google Play under "ISOlatr" check it out while its hot! bear in mind your wonder media device is the the ONLY one that can do this (Although i am planning on porting the gagdet to other kernels)