Well talked to a china seller. Better than>HeroTab MID816 with back aluminium back

Those links are for the installer only. These's no updated firmware in either of those links. Best to stick with slatedroid.com and know the pros and cons of each update.

Sorry about not being able to help here.

We aren't paid by Merimobiles to advertise the 8" Samsung S5PV210 tablet, and they do not feed us information for that device to help sell it. So it is difficult to obtain information for their marketed devices and for firmware, especially when the manufacturer has chosen not to support the product directly.
Ordered one of these from www.android-tablet.cc chose it because it had a pretty meaty battery, and they said it would support 3.0.

Wanted the red one, I received a black one, with a broken screen! Apparently they don't have the colours they were advetising, also the buttons on the front are different.

Sent back, my expense, they are supposed to be replacing and sending back at their cost.

It was an incident, so have to view it as bad luck more than anything else, but can't wait to get my hands on it!