YIFANG / MEDIACOM tablet...this unknown


Dec 17, 2010
Hi to all, i've brought a Mediacom 722i tablet.
here's the spec:

OS: ICS 4.0.4
Browser user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (linux, U, Android.....)
Code Name: REL
API Level: 15
CPU ABI: armeabi-v7a
Producer: YIFANG
Bootloader: unknow
CPU ABI2: armeabi
Hardware: armlogic
Board: DATAM752MCX_C
Brand: MID
Device: DATAM752MCX_C
Display: V1.0.5.IMM76I.eng.root.20120804
Host: midcs-P67-DS3-B3
Model: M-MP722I
Product: DATAM752MCX_C
User: root

Internal memory: 8Gb
RAM: 1Gb DDR 3
No GPS/bluethoot/3G
CPU (from the package): Cortex-A9

Processor: ARMv7 rev 4 (v7I)
Revision: 020
CPU Freq: 1GHz

Display resolution: 480 x 764 / 120 dpi / 7 inches

For what I know, Google Play (I've installed it separately with the .apk) recognize my tablet as a YIFANG M-MP722I.
The device is not rooted. And know something that I want to study about this tablet:

  1. Is there a similar tablet that is already rooted and I can follow some tutorial to gain root access to mine? To install some ROM
    (maybe a CM9) or at least a good recovery?
  2. I'd like to root my device to change the build.prop, because I've notice that when I open any browser (mozilla ff, opera, or
    internal one) often pages doesn't recognize that I view the pages with a tablet, so I have to use google in desktop version, or
    worst Gmail in desktop version...I've notice that some app like Opera have a really really big interface, like the smartphone app
    was enlarged to fit the 7" display size. This is horrible, maybe if my device is recognize as a Galaxy Tab 7 I could download
    app for that display size.And the other strange thing is that really heavy games like max payne or nova 3 are supported, some weather apps not -.-
  3. if I could root and edit build.prop can you advice me some info about what data I have to insert in that file?
  4. can I brick my device if I try to root it?

Thanks a lot in advace...really thanks
I think that Ainol Tornado is similar to mine...maybe root tutorial for it could be adapted to mine (maybe also roms)