A500 Half-screen of blue/green pixels. Hardware or Software?


Apr 16, 2013
Hello fellow Acer users. My refurbished and second hand A500 has served me very well. While it is second hand and has not been completely without fault, it has never given me a major issue. Until now.
I tried to take pics with varied colors and whatnot to show best what is going on.

I have absolutely no idea what has happened. The tablet seems otherwise unharmed and I am even using it to post this topic.

Could anyone please give me a little help to figure out what this is? Is it hardware or software? Can this be fixed easily or will I need to replace the screen or some other bit of hardware? If it helps, I am running the latest Android OS and I have no warrantee to fallback on for a replacement or repair. I would like to have this fixed by a professional or possibly do it myself.

Thanks for the attention, I hope you can help me.

P.S. It was actually pretty hard to type this with half my keyboard all distorted. Sorry for any typos or mistakes.
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