Google VP Keeps Teasing Nutella for Final Android N Name - Is He Trolling Us?


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

One of Google's VPs, Hiroshi Lockheimer, keeps dropping hints that the final dessert name for Android N will be Nutella. His latest "tease" posted on Twitter above is pretty obvious. In the past he has made it known that he likes Nutella and wants it to be the Android N name. The answer to his clue in the Tweet is more than likely the Nutella Pizzetta. This time, Google created a contest in which Android fans will vote on the final name, so Lockheimer may not get his wish.

Lockheimer is also infamous as an online joker, so it's entirely possible that he is simply trolling us with this teasing. Android N could end up being called Nougat or Navy Bean. Alternatively, the ultimate back-flip "trolling" would be if he convinced us that the name was NOT going to be Nutella by spamming us with it, but then it really ends up being named Nutella. Perhaps we are getting trolled either way...

Source: Twitter