Happy and Prosperous New Year Everyone!

Jan 4, 2013
I am Stephen aka complearning123. I currently reside in San Diego, CA. I am not very knowledgeable concerning computers really, hence the screen name. I am even less knowledgeable about Androids. But, I love to learn and look forward to having a lot of teachers on this site! Maybe, who knows, something may come up that I can assist some of you with as well! I recently got a Craig Net book CLP281x and went to several Starbucks to use their WiFi to try and set up a Google account on it, but to no avail. I even tried to use my android phone as a hotspot but that didn't work either. It says the connection is not reliable and it cannot continue. I know how to tether my Android phone to my desktop but I haven't a clue how to do that with the Net Book. But, I am confident that I will be able to overcome this obstacle and join in on the ANDROID fun! After all, I already own an Android Cellphone! How hard can it be....yeah, right! I don't know the difference between a Rom and a noodle to be honest. But I am teachable, teach me!? Anyway, thank you for the opportunity to join here and have a great New Year 2013!Stephen aka complearning123


Oct 16, 2012
Welcome Stephen. Although you have gone to Starbucks to set up it's probably not a wise thing to do on an "open" network as there are unscrupulous people with scanner programs looking at other peoples data streams to gain information especially when it comes to credit card details and passwords. If you have a desktop computer connected to the net via a secure ADSL modem or similar it probably would be wise to update that modem to include a wireless function so you can surf the net using an encrypted wireless connection. Faster too because you won't have to share that connection with anyone else unless you want to. I suggest you do some research as to the best modem with a modest price that would most suit your purpose and working range. Then you can surf the web at your leisure at home securely and when you've fully set up you can then venture out to Starbucks and drink coffee and surf the net too. We will respond to any good question with an answer that can be understood if you like and take you through the steps to help achieve that. Make sure your read your device manual thoroughly to learn how to connect and keep your device secure.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello Stephen, welcome to the forum. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android.