Having ISP Problems


Aug 19, 2012
Hi everyone I have just joined the group and really excited about that along with just buying an android tablet. I confess to being a silver surfer ouch...hate that label lol....... but I love to learn especially about technology.
I am already starting with a problem the tablet I have is a Joy Tab 16gb which I bought from ideal world! My provider is BT and I am unable to access the internet or even to get BT to recognise I have an account ioth them. The Wi fi is working every time I try to search it goes to BTfon and tells me there is a security problem with BT and just keeps flipping to enter username, password. I rang BT who took ages to get nowhere and then told me to contact Joytab as not all tablets are suitable for use with certain providers, I need to get all the BT hub, BTfon, removed according to BT tech dept and then start it again so I am totally baffled.
Any help would be gratefully received as I so want to keep the tablet it has a bluetooth keyboard and I love it, thanks for reading my long email out there...:(


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Horticus, congratulations on your new tablet and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you're having problems with your service provider. I'm moving your thread to the Android Tablet Q&A section for you. Hopefully, someone who's had a similar experience will join the discussion there and try to help you. Good luck!


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
Welcome Horticus

There are quite few problems that could exist but your tablet not being compatible with BT's system isn't one of them. I have a link below with quite a few tips for people having WiFi connection issues. Check it out and if it's no help I'll try to walk you through some alternatives.