Howdy from Australia


Feb 27, 2012
Hey all,

My finacee and I will be spending summer in Europe this year and are tossing up between an android tablet or the dreaded ipad. I'm quite torn between all of them as it seems that each tablet has one or two options I'd like, but not all, or if there is any I'm quite taken by, they have lots of problems.

So, seeing as though we're not leaving till June, I'm quite happy to wait to see what gets released between now and then. In the meantime, I thought I should sign up here and do some research to be better informed when it comes time to buy.

Ultimately, we want something that has 32gb storage minimum, wifi connectivity (3g is not required), additional memory card storage, hdmi connection and usb. Of course we'd like it to be around the 10" mark, as light as possible and with the highest resolution possible. Battery life is also a high consideration.

I realise they're very high expectations, hence why they're only the "ultimate" specs, there's always room for compromise.

Great site, looking forward to reading up on the tablets!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi, welcome to Android tablets. Glad you decided to join the forum, nice to have you with us. You should be able to find what you need here on the forum, I'd keep an eye on the Android Tablet News and Android Tablet News Depot sections in particular since you're interested in what might be coming out between now and June. Just click the links to get there. Enjoy the forum!


Jan 24, 2012
Hey Killbilly, welcome to the forum mate :)

As far as high resolution goes, i belive the best one is currently on 7.7 galaxy tab. The size makes it quite portable too as you can often just stick it in a pocket.

In terms of iPad comparisons, the most obvious one is Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, but personally i prefer the 8.9. The size is just right in this one.
As far as iPads go, i think with the launch of iPad 3 sometime in the spring, the prices of iPad 2 are bound to fall by about $100. So you'll be in a better position to shop in a few months.