I need a tablet for a specific purpose


Aug 2, 2011
I work in a kitchen and it's at the bottom of a high rise and tucked into the back of a restaurant. We get 2 radio stations(conservative talk radio and a classic rock station). We do have a stereo setup and I can play CDs, but a lot of times I want to listen to radio stations we don't get in because of the poor reception. One guy brings in a mac book and plays his stuff through the stereo and another girl has an ipod that she hooks up. I basically want a tablet for that specific purpose. NFL is going to be starting soon too and I'd like to be able to stream in live game broadcasts as we do have an internet connection at work. So basically I just need something that will let me stream in some radio stations(possibly use pandora) with some light internet browsing. I don't need a gaming tablet or a big multi-media thing. Something with wi-fi with a stereo hookup that is super cheap. I would like to stay under 150 dollars if at all possible. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. :)


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Welcome to the forum Soulphus. I've moved your post to the Android Tablet Discussions area of the forum, where I think you'll get more views and responses to your question.


Aug 7, 2011
Hi Soulphus, I'm on a Droid Tablet hunt myself.
Looking at your requirement anything with a headphone socket feature will do what you need so just double check that.

You dont need good battery life because it can be plugged in all the time.
Camera, Resolution, OS version, etc.. are all just extras from what I can see.
You might like it to be a little rugged in that environment but perhaps not. You might like a 10" size but again its only an extra.
The android market has a bunch of radio station apps and of course you can just use the stations website if you need to.

As long as you have wifi available down there in the back of the basement lol... I say find the cheapest one available on-line that can ship to your area and go for it.


Aug 7, 2011
looks like your on a winner. Its got audio out and you can even put some of your own music on it.
Its actually going on my possible list as it about right for my needs too.

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