Joined the MOMO Club


Jun 5, 2012
As I'm the forum guidelines suggest people introduce themselves, I thought I'd introduce myself :)

I used to be an avid Amiga user 10-15 years ago and had built up quite a collection of quality software and hardware. With a wedding on the horizon (only a week to go now!!) and a load of Amiga kit gathering dust I decided I needed to sell it to help fund the wedding and declutter ready for a fresh start to married life. But my penchant for tech got the better of me and I've decided to spend a bit of my proceeds on a shiny new tablet...

I recently started looking at budget tablets and plumped for the Ployer MOMO11 Bird. I'm so impressed with the sleek design, solid build and quality screen. My girlfriend has got an iPad2 and I've got to say the MOMO11 Bird really does compare well to it side by side. It took a bit of research on the forums and careful adjustments to move the wifi antenna and update the firmware but it's now running super smoothly and can do pretty much anything I want. What a bargain. Now my mum's also caught the Android tablet bug and bought a Ployer MOMO8 Bird and I suspect a few more friends and relatives might follow suit when they see what you can get for not too much money.


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi Mergic,

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. Sounds as though you're on your way to creating a dynasty of Ployer tablet owners. It's nice to hear you're so pleased with the new tablet, now that you've tinkered with it a bit.

On this forum, most of the activity for Ployer tablets is located in the Ployer Momo Tablets forum. Just click that link and you'll be there. Those tablets are relative newcomers to the forum and I'm sure any help you can offer to the folks there will be greatly appreciated.

Enjoy the forum and continue to enjoy that tablet. Also, congratulations on the upcoming wedding.