Need help to root Asus transformer for ad hoc wifi connection

Nov 14, 2011
I'm new to android and this whole tablet business - I've always worked on windows because not being able to right click on mac's drove me insane - just bought the Asus transformer and I love it - but I need to acces the internet on the move - i have a Nokia E5 with Joiku hotspot - but my tablet doesn't recognise the wifi signal - i see on the net it says Android doesn't detect ad hoc signals but i can hack the tablet somehow to do this - i founf a video on you tube to do this - but i can't find the links to the files that i need to download to get the process started.

Also i need some help with app management - when i downloaded some apps they created shortcuts on my 'desktop' - do you call it a desktop on a tablet? - anyway it's getting too jumbled and i want to save the shortcuts to the other windows or whatever they are - how do i move shortcuts around? is this possible? or how do i even remove them from the desktop?

I will probably have lots of questions..... but I am loving this tablet. Thanks for any help.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2011
I also use joiku hotspot on my nokia e6, my asus transformer can connect to it. Please make sure u have update the android to 3.2

I tested it on my friends android 3.1 tablet, they still cannot connect to joiku hotspot, so i think android 3.2 is support on joiku hotspot now.

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
Nov 14, 2011
Thank you so much! I've been messing around with this for days, but sorted it in ten minutes by updating to 3.2
I suppose I'll have to leave the house now that I've got mobile internet access :D Thanks again


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello Kate, welcome to the forum and congratulations on you new Transformer. I'm happy to see that letmefly has solved one of your problems already. For any others you may have, just click this link to the Asus Tablets section and ask any questions you may have there. Good luck!


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hi letmefly, welcome to you as well, Nice of you to help Kate and nice to have you as a member of the forum.