None PC shows my tablet, also USB Debugging does not appear in Settings


Nov 9, 2011
Hello folks.

I own a SuperPad 7"InfotMIC based tablet with Android 2.2.

The thing is since i bought it, i plug it to My Windows 7 Proffesional desktop, and nothing happens, not even the standard sound on windows, nor the USB symbol on the tablet.

Also, yhe USB Debugging option does not appear under Applications-> (The Developer option does not show either).

I know the tablet and the PC USB port is working (they work for other purposes) The USB cable works too.

What is my problem?

I've tried Firmware Micro SD-burning (since i can't do the USB method) but i'm a total noob on burning, i downloaded M701SA_0722_V2.1, and extracted the contents on my MicroSD, reseted the device, but nothing happens.

Strangely (and i don't know if it's related) the OS mounts the MicroSD on sdcard2, and not on sdcard or sdcard1... does it have to do with anything?

The about the devices shows:

model: wwe201
Android version: 2.2 v2.5#4325

Kernel version:

Build FRF85B

Please, any help will be apprectiard, even if you teach me how to safely burn another firmware.