Pandigital Reviews/Concerns?


Oct 29, 2010
I ordered a Pandigital tablet based on the recommendation of my buddy who bought one. He said once it is hacked, it is great for reading comics and reading ebooks and more. I wanted some more info and impartial reviews. Thanks forum
For that, the PDR is just the ticket. It is when you want to make it into a Tablet PC, High capability Gaming or Audio/Video device is where it comes up short. It can do these things, but not well. It simply was not designed for that.

It can once tweaked and rooted, be a decent, but slow browser. But keep in mind it will not do flash.
the open platfomr (android 2.1) is great cept for no app market. I've run into a few programs that won't run on it but works great for an ereader.
thanks forum. i found out that angry birds won't play very well at all on it. most of the pictures and level indicators are just blank white spots on the screen. runs pretty nice. any idea of when or if android 2.2 will be on it?
I had hoped soon, but have no idea. Just depends on how nice they want to be to us. Some makers have not upgraded their stuff from 1.5 so who knows. I think if they were to release 2.2 with market they would position themselves solidly in the market but time will tell what their choice is going to be.

Maybe a PRETTY PLEASE WITH SUGAR ON IT! will help :)