Please Read: Spam Attacks on the SuperPAD II Subforum by Chinagrabber/APADTV

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Staff member
Jul 9, 2010
We do regularly blacklist vendors who refuse to adhere by our participation rules and guidelines.

This SuperPAD II subforum had been being attacked regularly by the vendor Chinagrabber/APADTV. They have been impersonating ordinary users and providing misleading information about the actual product, attacking rivaling vendors in the process.

There has also been at least one report of the vendor removing negative user comments about the product on their forums.

As much as we would like to have all legitimate users migrate to a neutral third-party forum such as our own, we do not have the resources to battle this fraudulent behavior.

It is understandable that users choose to use the vendor forum, since they have been able to secure regular firmware updates. However, this does not excuse their malicious behavior.

Please be aware of this, and be sure to report suspicious posts.
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