Too long to charge my nook.


Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
I thought it was the cat but there is more to it. I bought a new charger, the first two nights it charged my nook in 3 hours, perfect . Than I attached the usb to my pc to transfer something and after that,that day when I plugged the nook to charge I saw right away something was wrong because I didn't see on the screen the battery and when I checked in my battery status it said- not charging- . And is back to the old story, the battery still get charged but it takes something like 9or10hours. And also I cannot transfer files to my netbook. This is the second charger that get messed up, is either the nook or my pc that does it...,which one and what can I do?


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011
Gloria, you might want to check the USB to PC side of that cable...see if there is something on the pins in that end...since it is the only part to actually attaches to both the charger and the pc, it might have something in there that is jacking with the pins. Just a thought. I have certainly seen weirder things happen.


Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
So Vic, you think is the notebook that f...d up the soon as I make it home I'll check if I see anything. I hate that it takes so long to charge but I don't want to buy one more charger if it is the nook that mess it up. I do have the feeling it's my pc'fault because last time I attached it to the nook after that the old charger stopped working. , Now I have allo these screenshoot I wantt to post and I cannot do it without the pc. Can I do it directly from the.nook? By the way I love your screen... they look like giaiantic mushrooms,aren't they? It so nice to see screenshot after screenshot but it doesn't look like anybody care much, too bad.
Thank you


Senior Member
Jan 8, 2011

You can use an app like dropbox. Its something you install on your computer and install the app version on your nook. You can also see the files online...and dropbox can give you a url link (so you really don't even need to save the pics on your pc, just upload them from your nook to the dropbox site...its where I have my screenshots...then you don't need a cable to your comp...but you should still figure out what is going on...

If it worked several times from the wall charger fine, then acts up after you have used the cable hooked to the pc...I wouldn't be so fast to blame the nook.


Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
thanks,I'm going to try dropbox online...hope to be able to post my screenshoots soon.
I'm soooo happy,today I saw more screenshots on the thread, it start looking good especially for visitors I guess. I know that's what the nook owner's thread was supposed to be but every noobie goes there to ask for help so there wasn't anymore somewhere we can share what we do daily- weekly with out nook. Regarding the charger, the more I think about it the more I know is my little old asus eee's fault The only way to know for sure is to buy another charger and use it just for charging the nook for few days,if nothing happens to it, it means my asus is gelous because I play only with the nook.
thank you again