Unable to download APKs using Cyanogen 7.0 (Harmony nightly)


Jun 8, 2011
Followed directions to install Cyanogen mod 7.0, as per HTTP://viewsonic-gtablet-for-dummies. (Wonderfully clear resource, btw.) Unfortunately, I seem to no longer be able to directly download new apps onto my gTablet; I keep getting an error message that says that I need to have an SD card onto which the app would be downloaded.While part of the installation process was setting up a 2 GB partition, the rest of the card is still accessible. I can see it listed as a directory named /emmc. However, unlike the stock system, CM7 is not letting me download new apps to the internal SD card.I checked all the settings I could find; I even tried switching Settings - Cyanogenmod Settings - Application - Install Location to "Internal" with no luck.Am I missing something here?