VeryNarrowAlternatingRed&LightGreyStripAtDisplayTo p


Mar 15, 2012
There is a very, very narrow official looking strip across the top of my tablet screen. There are different sections in the strip and a section is either red or light grey. There are numbers in the sections and they're labeled P, dX, Xv, Prs, and Size. Also, where ever my cursor goes a colored line follows. But the line dissipates or something. I wonder if I clicked something or something?

Also, where can I look in Android 4.0 to see the processor named? "About tablet" has Model number - ZT ICS, Android version - 4.0.3, Baseband version - unknown, Kernel version - 2.6.34 root@android #3137, Build number - f04-eng 4.0.3 ICS.F04ref...(etc). That's all. Where is the processor info located?

The above things are in regards to the following tablet that I just got from McBub: 10.2 inch A9 Android 4.0 Tablet PC Zenithink Z102 (Flytouch 5) 2 Points Touch GPS WiFi HDMI(CN106313) Tablet says Zepad when it boots. Box says ZTPad. I plan to use it with Verizon MiFi. Paid $155 with free shipping. If it does gps I think I will be happy. I drive a WHOLE LOT and everywhere, and I thought the 10inch would be awesome for my first gps.

Of course any help from anybody on these issues will be appreciated. Thanks.