What Tablet Fits Me?


Mar 22, 2011
Silly question, but while the A500 and the Transformer are the two top considerations right now for me, can anyone tell me if there is a 7-8 inch tablet coming out soon that would have Honeycomb and at least 1GB of RAM? My price range is 450 or less.

I mean, I really like the larger tablets' features, but after having owned a Nook Color, I'm not sure if I want something that much bigger and bulkier. I know there's the Dell Streak, but that offers half the RAM and is equipped with 2.2 (and it's Dell...). They said 3.0 is on the horizon, but with that little amount of RAM, I can't imagine it running well, even with the Tegra processor. The Acer A100 is coming, but I've heard that's running 2.2 as well. Plus with Acer repeatedly pushing back their A500 tablet, when and if we'll see the A100 anytime soon is still debatable.

I want a tablet this month if I can. I'll wait for the right one if there's a firm price and release date. And heck, with the Xoom price plummeting on eBay, but the time the month ends, you might be able to get that for 400 bucks, too. I honestly don't understand why there aren't more pre-orders for these tablets out there. So if anyone has any thoughts, or info about newer tablets I didn't mention here that might suit my needs, please let me know.