Zepad C91 memory card slot broken, freezes on start up screen


Jan 10, 2012

I have received a C91 tablet back from one of my customers and he clearly has broken the sd card slot himself..
But that's not the big issue, the tablet keeps hanging on the start up screen (android letters)

The software is android 4 and is running on a 512mb Zepad tablet, my question is if there is any other way to set it to default factory settings
or update the software without an sd card? i have tried it with an Sandisk usb card reader but it won't recognize:(

Reset button isn't working and start-up camera button does, but it won't recognize anything because the sd card is not in.
I also think that the usb card reader won't recognize because it first needs to be installed when running the android tablet properly, because i have tried on another c91 and there it is working fine.

I don't know if anyone can help me, i'm really stuck on this one

Sorry for my English, greets from the Netherlands