Archos 7c Home Tablet How to hack for Android Marketplace And Flash Player


Jun 4, 2011
Just got a Archos 7c it's not bad but you can't use the Android Marketplace for apps no Flash Player no update to 2.2 or above. Is there a way to ROOT or HACK this tablet. If not it's going back to Kmart. Thanks
No such thing as too old. We all have questions. Young, old, experienced users, new users, etc. Im sure someone will be around soon to answer your question.
The Archos/Arnova 7c is still too new for many developers to identify the best way to apply Android Market. (Market loader) But you will be fine with either AppsLib or Amazon Market. Both of these combined offer almost everything you may want. There are some things you can get via Amazon which even the Market Fix will not provide to your Archos.

Best of Luck
Hi im a quite happy owner of one Arnova 7c 2G since last sunday, but there is a few things missing on the market Archos offer than are vital for me, as skype, and the google mail app! But the important one is skype. I like this tablet but been so used to my google market on my mobile phone, i found this one boring and useless plus most of the apps wont work or have horrible reviews! I know its a really new product but wondering, first if there is any way for my to get working SKYPE WITH VIDEOcall on my the tablet as it is, or i will have to "root" it, and if that worth to do it for me to get Skype running?plus i cant even make work the Android vesion of facebook on it!thanks
I just recieved an Archos 7c Home Tablet as gift and I wanted to know if it is possible to get Adobe Flash Player installed on it and. If so how do i do it without bricking my tablet. Step by step instructions wouldd be great since im not the most technologicaly savy person. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Hi im a quite happy owner of one Arnova 7c 2G since last sunday, but there is a few things missing on the market Archos offer than are vital for me, as skype, and the google mail app! But the important one is skype. I like this tablet but been so used to my google market on my mobile phone, i found this one boring and useless plus most of the apps wont work or have horrible reviews! I know its a really new product but wondering, first if there is any way for my to get working SKYPE WITH VIDEOcall on my the tablet as it is, or i will have to "root" it, and if that worth to do it for me to get Skype running?plus i cant even make work the Android vesion of facebook on it!thanks

No you don't need to root it but you do need an older copy of the Skype app designed for phones with only one camera, called "signedSkype20047.apk" and then load this manually via a PC-USB link to a place on your tablet where you can find it again. Then, without the USB cable attached, use 'Files' to find the file, click on it and let it install. You still need to wear headphones to prevent a 'feedback' loop from speaker to microphone but at least the video works!