Easiest way to modify Diablotek D2Pad for googleplay and possibly others?


Mar 15, 2013
I've been messing around with my pad and between all of the threads dealing with firmwares, ADB, and copying files over to the system folder via the rootkit file manager, Ive had no luck getting my tablet working better (had to reload the main site's firmware yesterday since it stopped booting with the files I copied over). I'm fairly new to the tablet scene, but not to computers in general (grew up in Commodore64-then-Dos/Win3.1 era) but I admit I need help in the tablet scene.

What I want to do DEFINITELY is have google play up and running on it (with best compatibility I can get out of it of course!). Tweaks and customization take a back seat in comparison, but it would be nice to have options. So far I'm batting 0/3 for customizing this thing, I think I need a bit of advice, as the various threads I've read are either very confusing *glares at adb threads* or aren't working.

Help please? Sincerely,

Edit : Forgot to mention it's an d201208bxxxxx model, 1gb ram + 1.2ghz proc
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For Google Play Use these instructions: Visual Land Tablets Google Play

They should work with your tablet (I have the 09 model and it worked flawlessly) But just in case I recommend that you follow the instructions in one of the
other posts for making a backup of your system first. But if worst comes to worse, you can always use the Firmware update on D2's website to get back to square one.
For Google Play Use these instructions: Visual Land Tablets Google Play

They should work with your tablet (I have the 09 model and it worked flawlessly) But just in case I recommend that you follow the instructions in one of the
other posts for making a backup of your system first. But if worst comes to worse, you can always use the Firmware update on D2's website to get back to square one.

Thank you!

Got google play up and running without crashes.

Just so I know, is the installer I used have the best compatibility with apps on google play? I wanted the NewEgg app, but it said that my decide wasn't compatible with it (other games/apps worked fine). :eek:
Not sure, I know that it is very close if it is not the best... I think it is mimicking the Kindle Fire.
Okay, Newegg Tablet app (which gets crappy reviews) doesn't list D2 as compatible, but Newegg Mobile app (great reviews) works fine. 0,o Oh well, at least it works. :)

THank you again! ^_^