Galaxy 8.9 question


Jan 10, 2012
I have decided to get either the samsung galaxy 8.9 or the galaxy10. Other than size is there any difference? I have noticed that the 8.9 seems to be difficult to find. Is there a reason that the 8.9 seems to be more difficult to locate than the galaxy 10? I have gone to my local Best Buy several times and they never seem to have 8.9 in stock but always seem to have the galaxy 10. I don't know if this is a good sign or a bad sign for the 8.9. I have very little experience (actually no experience) with tablets, so I really need advice.
any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
The 8.9 is the "just right" size. Several Best Buys in my town and I had to go out of my way to find the 8.9 in stock. You may prefer the 10.1 but, do yourself a favor and put your hands on a 8.9 before making a decision.
Probably the reason why galaxy tab 8.9 is never on stock is because its not very well known or well marketed. Makes no sense for bestbuy to stock something that doesn't sell often. It's done out of business sense and has nothing to do with tablet quality.
I have a 8.9 galaxy tab, and i'm wery happy !
I think , it's the good size.
I bought the 7"+ for my son, have the 10" for myself but wanted a 8.9 ATT 4g unit for the road. The 10" sits at the house and the 8.9" travels everywhere with me. Bought mine on craig's without contract doing month to month.