newb question of 2012


Mar 19, 2012
Hey guys. A few days ago I purchased a g from Ebay and at a reasonable price. I'm upgrading from another tablet which I won't even mention as you'd probably laugh at how I got anything done on its slow processor. So anyway since I'm about to receive it in a few days, and have been reading the forum just wanted to know what to do out of the box to flash. I see some folk mentioning 1.1 or 1.2?? Which one comes with the new package...and can anyone lend me a hand at first steps as to what to download and where to go from there. I really just want it to play games and movies..and casually surf the internet. Btw somewhere I read that the clones if the g tablet have there a way to add that somehow to the tablet. That would be awesome. As to flashing I'm pretty much an intermediate. Flashing my previous tablet (s) consisted of, just put the firmware into the sd card or they had developed some PC program that would flash the ROM for me. Is this the case? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Last edited: it has arrieved...guess I'm on my own then. Thanks for the comments and help...btw. Im a pretty good leaner so I've got the weekend off...and here goes to flashing. cheers it has arrieved...guess I'm on my own then. Thanks for the comments and help...btw. Im a pretty good leaner so I've got the weekend off...and here goes to flashing. cheers

So I would suggest to you to head over to GTab for's a great site...tells you what you need and provides it and what to do with it.

The link for it is

Start Here - Viewsonic GTablet For Dummies

Have fun flashing!!!
