Power Adapter (Round Female)


Senior Member
Sep 26, 2010
I have the Elocity A7 040 and wonder if someone could tell me the size of the power adpater plug. One end plugs into the AC wall outlet and the other end plugs into the bottom left hand side of the A7. It is a round "female" plug. What size is that female plug? Does anyone know. I have a portable power pack that can chage the Elocity, but I do not have the correct plug to use to plug into the "male" (DC) hold on the bottom of the
A7. Does anyone know the size? If so, please let me know.
I am possibly looking for a cord that has USB on one end and the proper, round (female) plug on the other end to be plugged into the bottom of the A7 (where the power plug is now plugged into).