Problem loading large number of books


Aug 18, 2012
I have approximately 30,000 books I'm trying to load on the 16GB SD Card that I have plugged into my Nook. I've connected my Nook to my computer and loaded the books into the My Files>>Books folder, and in fact 11,873 books (5.90GB) are now stored there. However trying to load more gives the error message "An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file. If you continue to receive this error, you can use the error code to search for help with this problem." "Error 0x80070052 The directory or file cannot be created."

The issue is not that the SD card is full since 8.87GB is still free. I can still load the files into other folders (ex B&N Downloads>>Books) with no problems, however then the books will not show up in the Nook library. If I delete some files from the folder I can add some different files so the issue is not a corrupted file. I've tried using a different SD Card, and reformatting and trying to reload the books however that also does not help.

Anyone have any information on how I can load the rest of the books? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

PS - In case anyone is curious, the 30K books are converted pdfs into epubs internal technical docs that our company uses.
Wow, that is a lot of books! This might actually be a file system limitation. I know with USB sticks you can only have so many files in the root directory (not in any folders) and if you hit the file limit it won't work regardless of how much unused space there is. This sounds like the same problem. You probably need more folders and subfolders. If the subfolders can't be read by the Nook reader you might need to try another 3rd party reader app. There are many readers that will read epub and pdf.
