[Solved] Coby MID 1045 Bricked?

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Junior Member
Jan 30, 2015
Ok! well I´m having a hard time trying to make my coby MID1045 tablet comes back to live... its a real challenge....

first the tablet just shows up the COBY logo an keep stuck there,¨easy¨ was my first thought, shut off and try using the recovery mode...... nothing happend... well it´s more dead than I expected... no problem lets use the fastboot mode...

HERE the things becomes weird, using fastboot livesuit can actually recognize it and flash rom (if i had one!), I tryed to flash a MID1042.img but the results was a black screen going on and off....

then i thought well livesuit can see the tablet, lets use fastboot in a cmd to flash jutst the recovery, use (fastboot devices) and nothing.... weird.....

at this point i see my tablet as a really BIG paperweight...

thinking like a pro lets try to make a rom from a dump... well im noob I CAN´T! Now after like 3 weeks searching for a stock firmware to flash via livesuit I GIVE UP!

Does anyone have the firmware for this tablet? Coby Kyros MID 1045

PD: Coby official page is down! no support from them...
PD of PD: sorry my english m8s
You're likely not to get much help from the users on the forum, because, as you likely have guessed, we don't support LiveSuite here. Further, just to make this readily apparent for anyone reading this, posting links to LiveSuite images on the forums is prohibited. Anyone with a link needs to send it to the OP via private messaging.

Coby's official page has been down since September of 2013. They are out of business, meaning no warranty support whatsoever.

Es probable no obtener mucha ayuda de los usuarios del foro, porque, como ya han de haber adivinado, no nos apoyamos LiveSuite aquí. Además, sólo para hacer esto fácilmente evidente para cualquiera que lea esto, la publicación de enlaces a LiveSuite imágenes en los foros está prohibido. Cualquier persona con un enlace debe enviarlo a la OP a través de mensajería privada.

La página oficial de Coby ha estado abajo desde septiembre de 2013. Se trata de salir del negocio, es decir, sin el soporte de garantía alguna.
You are probably correct, your tablet is a large paperweight. But IF you can actually get it into fastboot mode, and IF you have a system dump FOR THAT VERSION OF THAT TABLET, you MIGHT be able to flash the dump back to the tablet. IF Livesuit has not hard-bricked it; after all, you flashed the wrong ROM to it using Livesuit which is known to brick tablets anyway.

Start by reading the stickies at the top of this section. Then go here:

If you have problems with Windows drivers, try this:

And good luck to you, you will need it.
well I got the problem solved someone just hand me a .img so simply push it with livesuit and BOM! tablet works just fine.

But IF you can actually get it into fastboot mode

That was the intention, get the tablet into fastboot to flash just a recovery if that works my problem was solved weeks ago...

BUT! fastboot seems to be only working with livesuit, but not with SDK? someone has an explanation to that?

Kevinthefixer Thanks!

anyway the problem is gone if the Admin want to close it....
Yes, good to hear it worked! It's possible that Livesuit is not using fastboot mode, or it is also possible that using Livesuit has borked all other fastboot exploits. Sometimes adb does not work correctly after a Livesuit flash, and from now on using adb is risky. I would stay with Livesuit at this point.
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