SuperPAD/Flytouch 2 Brightness Control Problem


Jan 4, 2011
I started SuperPAD (deb-2.1v#3245) one day to find a "black" screen. Bricked??

Figured I would re-flash firmware 3245 and then install the Stragulus Android 2.2 update. Didn't take the first time, so I started all over by re-installing Android 2.1-v3245. Install was good, but now (beginning with the initial boot process) my screen flashes on and off continually. Using WindHex and IUW to re-install just about all the various SuperPad firmware’s available; nothing would keep the screen from flashing on and off, on and off, etc.

For some reason, I decided to change the "Brightness" level and "eureka"; when the brightness was reduced the flashing screen intervals increased and at a little less than half the brightness range the flashing stopped completely!!

Question is, "software" or "hardware" problem?

Comments towards a fix would be greatly appreciated.
As you have said, you have attempted most-every firmware around... it has to be a hardware issue... likely the screen (backlight) itself.
The BIG question is... is the controlling hardware on the SCREEN board or the MAIN board?
Which main board do you have btw...

... and where did you get the deb-2.1v-3245 (linux, not android,yes?)??

As you have said, you have attempted most-every firmware around... it has to be a hardware issue... likely the screen (backlight) itself.
The BIG question is... is the controlling hardware on the SCREEN board or the MAIN board?
Which main board do you have btw...

... and where did you get the deb-2.1v-3245 (linux, not android,yes?)??


I have no idea which Main Board I have in that I have never opened the tablet. With Android 2.1 - v3245 the Model is: deb and the build is: ERE 27.

How much RAM?
How many TF slots?
How much 'hard drive'/storage?

What does the ABOUT DEVICE say about it?

Oh... THAT deb... :rolleyes: If you can run that, look for the one under FIRMWARE '2.2 to help unbrick'...

Dont think that will help the screen, but if it will work for you, you WILL like it alot better than 2.1!!!

I think I'm still the last post in the thread... :rolleyes:
How much RAM?
How many TF slots?
How much 'hard drive'/storage?

What does the ABOUT DEVICE say about it?

Oh... THAT deb... :rolleyes: If you can run that, look for the one under FIRMWARE '2.2 to help unbrick'...

Dont think that will help the screen, but if it will work for you, you WILL like it alot better than 2.1!!!

I think I'm still the last post in the thread... :rolleyes:

Power Lamp = Red
Charger Output = 9VDC 2.5A
RAM = 256MB
Bootloader = Infotomic (587)
Model: SAWEE Pad
Version: 2.1 Update 1 v2.2 #3245
Build: ERE27
Ports from top to bottom = Earphone, USB 1, SFCard 1, USB 2, SDCard 2, HDMI, RJ-45, Power.

Also, lower right corner (RJ-45 Port) of screen is hot and shows oval shaped black spot when hot.
Yep... that certainly sounds like a screen (hardware) problem.
There are no devices on the screen-side of the main board that would cause the heat/black spot.

You may be looking at replacing the screen.
Yep... that certainly sounds like a screen (hardware) problem.
There are no devices on the screen-side of the main board that would cause the heat/black spot.

You may be looking at replacing the screen.

Using the IUW app I loaded UO = (587) U-Boot-Nand.bin file, then installed Froyo 2.2 using the Stragulus 2-step SDCard method (SDCard.img, v5). I must say it is by far the best yet for the Android 2.2 update. After a couple of re-boots I set the screen brightness to mid-scale to stop the screen from flashing. Everything seems to be working except GPS and Flash 10 is questionable. But, YouTube is working.

Now, sit down and take a deep breath. With nothing to lose I decided to try an old trick I learned a long time ago about electronics. All chips and other components are greatly affected by temperature extremes. I put the tablet in the freezer and went to lunch!:rolleyes: On return I booted the tablet and noted the black spot in the corner of the screen had been dimmed to gray. I believe I can see a shadow outlined within the gray spot that appears to be a component of some sort that is producing the heat signature. Wish I had a picture of that board area adjacent to the RJ-45 jack. I am quite sure the screen is still OK.

While I currently do not have full brightness range, I have enough to continue working with this tablet. Just in case, I ordered a new Cube U30GT from

Thanks for your input.