Tablet Resets To Factory After Reboot.


May 25, 2013
Hi, new to this forum and I'm completly lost so I thought I would just post my question... (Sorry if this has been asked and answered or if I am in the wrong Thread)

Earlier today I rooted my D2Pad D2-912 SN: D201301BKxxxxx after a couple hours redownloading and configuring my apps, wireless networks, bloatware etc. I rebooted my tablet to find it simply reset back to default but with root and busybox. Now, any change I make is gone after the system restarts.

I've tried to Find/install a new ROM and CWR but it just won't take.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi, new to this forum and I'm completly lost so I thought I would just post my question... (Sorry if this has been asked and answered or if I am in the wrong Thread)

Earlier today I rooted my D2Pad D2-912 SN: D201301BKxxxxx after a couple hours redownloading and configuring my apps, wireless networks, bloatware etc. I rebooted my tablet to find it simply reset back to default but with root and busybox. Now, any change I make is gone after the system restarts.

I've tried to Find/install a new ROM and CWR but it just won't take.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
i have the same problem, and i also have a d2 pad. my problem happened after i installed busybox... i tried to fix it by moving the busybox file from /xbin to /bin in the system folder(i looked on another forum and it said the problem was busybox installed in the wrong folder) but anyways my problem still isnt fixed
First, thank you all for all the support I have found here.

I have posted a solution to this problem here on the xda developer's forum
Solution: - Post #2

Have you checked the permissions of the folder you were copying into? If the folder isn't writable by you, and if the busybox file isn't executable, it won't work. See the link I posed above.

Jim "JR"
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