Adding Music with Errors?


Dec 30, 2013
I'm trying to add music to my tablet. I have music files in my computer that I already payed for. Whenever I try to put those files in my Tablet's Music file and I try to play it it just says "Cannot play track you requested" Is there a reason it is doing this? Can I only get music on Google, not Itunes or anything like that?


Staff member
Jun 16, 2012
Unless things have changed, Apple injects Fairplay DRM into every piece of music touched by iTunes, whether it be paid for through iTunes or another source. The music app likely isn't playing the files because of the DRM. If the music was bought through iTunes there is no legal solution to the problem since by law it is illegal to circumvent things such as digital rights management. If the music was bought someplace else then as long as it doesn't have its own DRM and isn't touched by iTunes, it can be downloaded from the source and copied straight to the tablet's MicroSD card.