Benefits of Rooting


Dec 30, 2010

This is an excellent forum, and I'd like to thank the moderators for all their good work. I have the Coby 7015, and it took me a couple of days to get comfortable with it, but now I'm good to go. I can easily and quickly surf the net, get email, play games, listen to music, view photos and videos- all the types of things I typically do on my laptop at home. I've been reading about rooting, and it sounds like something I could accomplish without many issues. My question: if I'm not all that interested in accessing the entire Google Android market, what benefits would I get from rooting? I take it I could access MS office documents, but thats not a huge benefit for me. Could I install a printer driver on the device after routing? I take it that I cant install Adobe Flash to make web videos accessible after rooting, so I'm not sure I see the point, other than having 'administrator rights" to my tab. What am I missing?

...I can easily and quickly surf the net, get email, play games, listen to music, view photos and videos- all the types of things I typically do on my laptop at home...
I am glad you've been lucky and most certainly smart to accomplish all these.
I am still having problems with downloading the music and video to my Coby/Kyros.
I started a new thread at and really would appreciate it if you give step-by-step instruction hot to load the music from the web and from one's PC's library and save it to the tablet. Same for video will also be very helpful.
Thank you
One reason i want to root is to have a way to back up my system. I understand you can't do that without rooting?
If you read around in this section, you'll find a thread about that.
Seems that there is a 2.2 firmware that some more advanced users have tried on their 7-inch Haipads, but they didn't stay with it because it wasn't complete and didn't have the Flash support everybody wants so badly.

There is also some question about how these tablets would handle the additional load.

I would say keep monitoring the forums (we can do without the bumps) and read up on what folks are doing to tweak more performance on their existing setups.

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hi all,
i can easily surfing my computer at home .my system is working properly i am plying games on it . listing music .watching movies using messengers etc