{Black PDN 7"} Apps that work on Android 1.5


Dec 22, 2010
I have just recently had the chance to play with a Black PDN 7". The standard OS is okay but I had to flash the 1.5 Android Pandigital released. The tablet runs fast and seems much more responsive. I had one heck of a time finding out what apps worked with this version of android so I though I would add a list to this site.

Album Art Grabber (1.1.5).apk
Aldiko Premium 1.2.9.apk
ASTRO 2.5.2.apk
Bible 2.6.apk
DolphinBrowser 2.5.0.apk
Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11th version).apk
Concise Oxford Medical Dictionary (1.6_021).apk
Documents to Go (2.003.605).apk
Documents To Go Full Version Key (2.000).apk
dxTop (2.7.0).apk
dxTop Theme GlossSuite.apk
FaceBook (1.1.4).apk
OpenSudoku 1.1.4.apk
Pandora 1.5.1.apk
Police Radio (1.3.5).apk
PrinterShare 3.0.1.apk
PrinterShare Premium Key 1.4.apk
RepliGo Reader 2.1.7.apk
Swarm 1.2.apk
Unblock 1.11.apk
Virtuebible SE (1.7.2).apk

If there are any other I or you come across post them in this thread so it can stay up to date. By the way DxTop is a great home replacement app and it works really well.

The only widget that seems to work correctly is Google Search. The rest of them just look bad...

Thanks and enjoy.

I may post a link to download some of these apps but I need to find out what is warez and what isn't.
I've been trying to flash this thing (BPDN) all day, just picked it up @ Costco yesterday. I've been reading this and other forums where some people can and cannot get the Black PDN to accept the new firmware from the Pandigital site.

How did you get it to take the new Firmware?

I placed the polaris_update on a SD card pressed volume+ and power screen flashed looked like it was going to update but didn't (just shutdown):mad:, I also placed the update @ the root and did the same but nope, didn't work either, also tried the option 1 on Pandigital (.exe) but it won't accept my serial #, do you have an ace in the hole I can use?
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mrblindog. My wife bought a 7" PD multi media reader from QVC last week that arrived yesterday. I've spent way too much time setting it up. Directions said to get firmware updates B/4 setting up wireless and contacts and email as the firmware wipes out all new data. but I couldn't get the serial #s to match like you. I spent an hour calling Pnadigital support and fially got the answer i hoped for. I have the newest version (4 gigs internal) and it has the latest firmware update already in it. the model # is not listed on the downloads site, but there should have been a note saying that it wasn't needed for my model. It's Red, and also comes in Purple, and, I think, Blue and White. confusing. this model still can't access the market and download apps directly so I'll go the site I saw here where I can download to my PC, and then to an SD card which will install on my reader (did it with one app and it worked except that wouldn't install because it was incompatable with my reader). I'm not yet ready to wipe out the installed apps but that may be coming. I have two Gmail accounts set up on it (won't accept hotmail at all so I had to set up a gmail for my wife and have the msn account foreward her mail to it when we're out of town). Won't import contacts so I had to set them up manually for sending new mail to someone who hasn't sent one to the account (reply works fine, and I was surprised to find that the contacts I put in synced well with the google mail. It's been a lot of work, but I think it's worth it. Wireless works very well. Lets see if I can gt some apps! I'd like to get it to play .264 avchd video. One spec list I read on my model said it did, but two other places where specs were listed didn't indicate it.
Thanks for the info. Just got the white reader today and finding your site has beeen wonderful. Thanks everyone for all the info especially wired anim.

Were you able to figure out how to flash the black novel? I did the same thing.. volume button and power trick with the polaris.dat file on the SD card. It seemed to boot... then nothing.

Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks....

I've been trying to flash this thing (BPDN) all day, just picked it up @ Costco yesterday. I've been reading this and other forums where some people can and cannot get the Black PDN to accept the new firmware from the Pandigital site.

How did you get it to take the new Firmware?

I placed the polaris_update on a SD card pressed volume+ and power screen flashed looked like it was going to update but didn't (just shutdown):mad:, I also placed the update @ the root and did the same but nope, didn't work either, also tried the option 1 on Pandigital (.exe) but it won't accept my serial #, do you have an ace in the hole I can use?
I purchased my 7 inch pandigital from best buy and it seems there are quite a few difference between them even though they appear the same. Mine flashed the update from pandigital just fine. The reader ran fast and was much more responsive. I was using Aldiko Book reader and everything was great, except the navigation at the bottom cut off the last few lines of text... I decided to go back to the default OS for now. I'm hoping to get Cyanogen Mods Donut 1.6 running on this. It should be able to handle it.
Hi!, I have found the best infomation on Slatedroid.com. Just READ the Padigital wiki, almost all answers are there.

Happy New Year
