I have just recently had the chance to play with a Black PDN 7". The standard OS is okay but I had to flash the 1.5 Android Pandigital released. The tablet runs fast and seems much more responsive. I had one heck of a time finding out what apps worked with this version of android so I though I would add a list to this site.
If there are any other I or you come across post them in this thread so it can stay up to date. By the way DxTop is a great home replacement app and it works really well.
The only widget that seems to work correctly is Google Search. The rest of them just look bad...
Thanks and enjoy.
I may post a link to download some of these apps but I need to find out what is warez and what isn't.
Album Art Grabber (1.1.5).apk
Aldiko Premium 1.2.9.apk
ASTRO 2.5.2.apk
Bible 2.6.apk
DolphinBrowser 2.5.0.apk
Concise Oxford English Dictionary (11th version).apk
Concise Oxford Medical Dictionary (1.6_021).apk
Documents to Go (2.003.605).apk
Documents To Go Full Version Key (2.000).apk
dxTop (2.7.0).apk
dxTop Theme GlossSuite.apk
FaceBook (1.1.4).apk
OpenSudoku 1.1.4.apk
Pandora 1.5.1.apk
Police Radio (1.3.5).apk
PrinterShare 3.0.1.apk
PrinterShare Premium Key 1.4.apk
RepliGo Reader 2.1.7.apk
Swarm 1.2.apk
Unblock 1.11.apk
Virtuebible SE (1.7.2).apk
If there are any other I or you come across post them in this thread so it can stay up to date. By the way DxTop is a great home replacement app and it works really well.
The only widget that seems to work correctly is Google Search. The rest of them just look bad...
Thanks and enjoy.
I may post a link to download some of these apps but I need to find out what is warez and what isn't.