Cortex A8 vs Telechips CPU


Jul 14, 2010
I was wondering how superior was the CORTEX A8 cpu vs the TELECHIPS TCC8902?
What are the main differences and PROS/CONS

Im really edging on buying the WITS A81-E but several other Telechips units look good

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1GHz vs 800Mhz (A8 single core use in the iPad)

Quick run down is: Frequency from 600MHz to 1GHz and above 32K-I / 32K-D
Cortex A8 specs

Quick run down is: Frequency from 500MHz to 800MHz
Telechips TCC8900 specs

Quick run down is: Frequency from 350MHz to 533MHz
VIA 8505 specs
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HP is right. You can't just look at the MHz rating of the processor. Comparing an ARM11 to a Cortex A8 is effectively comparing a Pentium 4 to a Core2Duo.

Cortex A8 also means potential Adobe Flash support if combined with a stable version of Android 2.2.

However, the Telechips TCC8902 has superior video decoding capabilities compared to most Cortex A8s on the market, because they have dedicated hardware video decoding units.

Generic devices are not that bad. The quality amongst different factories vary. I'd consider brands such as Archos, Ramos, Augen borderline shanzhai companies.

I'm not even sure Archos does their own component design. This might be a fun read:

At the end of the day, I think there aren't many companies out there with dedicated dev teams.
Did not know that it was the Neon instructions specifically that Flash neesd. Learn something new every day :)

As for the feasibility of Flash on a 600 MHz processor, the Droid is supposed to support flash despite having shipping with a stock 600 MHz OMAP Cortex A8, so I think maybe the 600MHz isn't such a big deal. (http://www.************/motorola_milestone-3001.php)

The easy returns are a big deal.

I've seen videos of Rockplayer playing videos pretty well on a Cortex A8 platform, so AMC is pretty much a bust already.
Well its pretty much to have fun right now...i know that patience pays, but damn, this wits a81e is so tempting! Great answers guys! Thanks very much (Y)
Well frankly you do should look at the speed of the system. Heck how do we all here buy our systems that we use for work and fun. Am more for how the CPU or NPU technical specs I/D cache and etc. Then comes about RAM how fast is that RAM. Overhaul performance. You could have one of these CPU and still the backbone hardware could be lousy. Anyway sure tweaks to the system will help improve things and how certain tool apps make the unit run snappy. A8 and soon A9 dual core (next gen) for tablet (iPad side) don't know about the Android OS but I am sure that will also come along. Right now these chips start low in FREQ. Some software commands to tweak the OC on CPU makes it near to what the chipset was suppose to do out of the box. If you can get 800Mhz out of A8 that's still good. Although it's rated at 1GHz and above. Telechip 800MHz out of box it's 720MHz or roughly 600MHz. With some tweaks to tapping into root and etc to use SetCPU to get that up in speed or wait for a ROM Image to do it also.

Everything I got here is tweaked/pushed to the max, from the systems to the network settings. On these tablets tweaking and having it stable should be the idea. Same goes for systems.

Again: Most of under 1GHz but these are not full power devices. Until the need to use 1.5GHz and up. Atom and Dual Core Atom in a tablet would be more suited for Windows 7 OS Tablet. I can see the A8 maybe or A9 but not Telechip though. This Telechip great for Android 2.x. VIA looks like it can only run smooth with the prior Android 1.x versions.
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So i guess its safe to say that the wits is probably one of the fastest tablets right now right? for below 230$ shipped with GPS, its a very fine unit!
No not at all. We've been talking about the hardware specs, but that does not necessarily correlate to how the system runs.

It's like having a good horse without a proper rider.
Would you consider it a good buy for someone who only really browses web and watches videos? Maybe play Robo defense and use it for GPS?
Well everyone here going to have different way to put it. Android OS for smart cell phones. Here comes Android OS tablet PCs. China has the specs of the iPad since that is made in China. Now can make replicated iPad or even better smaller 7" versions running the Android OS on them. They can pack all the goodies like 3G, Web Cam, Ethernet, 802.11(b,g,n) wireless, an etc for dirt cheap. People in others countries will buy these cheap knock-off and really don't care if they're slow because nothing to compare it with. VIA, Telechip and Cortex chips are the main players. 533MHz, 800MHz or 1GHz rated speed but actually speed varies to real-time speed of 350Mhz, 600MHz and 800MHz. Now the AuGen Gentouch 78 hits Kmart and the masses flock to the store to get their hands on one. But what they don't know that Kmart didn't really have stock pile of them on hand. So since Kmart does give out rainchecks they can see how many customers are welling to pay the $149 for these brand new tablets. Now that the smoke has clear the stores, returns of the tablets back to the Kmarts are cutting deep in their profits, since AuGen did some dirty deals to get the unit into the stores faster than expected. Here you got Kmart bailing out of AuGen. Now you got PanDigital e-reader that can be turned into tablet. China is pumping more tablets here but who's going to support them. Sounds like these units don't work you can just buy another one since it was cheap.