Custom scripts on rooted Asus Transformer


Sep 4, 2011
i there,

I rooted my transformer tablet recently and i'm trying to run custom scripts from a terminal emulator. For some reason i keep getting "permission denied" errors, even if i'm root user :-/ My current build is from Asus.

i've searched around, but can't seem to find anything regarding this issue. Below is the console output i get when trying to run a simple hello world script. Any ideas?

/ $ cd /sdcard
/sdcard $ cat hello
echo Hello World
/sdcard $ ./hello
bash: ./hello: Permission denied
/sdcard $ su
/sdcard # ./hello
bash: ./hello: Permission denied
/sdcard # chmod +x hello
/sdcard # ./hello
bash: ./hello: Permission denied
/sdcard # chmod 777 hello
/sdcard # ./hello
bash: ./hello: Permission denied
/sdcard #

Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Android Tablet Forum
I have the exact same problem. Could it be that we have to be root in order to call scripts from the shell ?
you need to remount your sdcard with correct options (allow executing) or copy your scripts to /system/bin or /system/xbin etc. your trying to execute scripts in a non executable area.