Data Plan with Galaxy Pro S


Junior Member
Sep 12, 2014
I am wanting to get my daughter a tablet for her birthday. First I was looking at the Kindle Fire HDX, but when comparing it to the Pro 8.4, the Galaxy tab seems much better. I did see that the Galaxy has cell capabilities. My question is, do I have to have an additional data plan to use the tablet at all, like a smart phone? Or can it use WiFi only just fine?
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It certainly can be used on WiFi only, assuming WiFi is available. If you want a data plan and it not be tied to using your phone for the data via tethering, whatever tablets are available from your cell phone provider would fill the bill but those plans are quite expensive for most.
Thank you both! I do not know why it was so hard for me to find the answer to that simple question by Googling it. And that is great news. I was worried it would be like a smart phone. I gave her a cheap Jazz tablet about a year ago and that thing was nearly worthless, so I'm going to get her a big upgrade this year for her birthday. Do you think the Pro 8.4 is too much for a 9 year old though? Do you think she could get just as much use out of another kind? I was looking at this one because it seems to be the newest out there so it will last a while.
I think she would really enjoy it at that age. It would be a blast.
Alrighty then! She loved that Jazz tablet too, so I'm sure she'll be amazed by this one haha. Thanks for answering my questions!