Deciding on a tablet and need some help


Dec 5, 2010
I have narrowed my search down to two tablets which seem to be pretty good.

Witstech A81-G and Herotab M802-APAD

The Herotab seems to have a little more power and more memory. The Witstech has GPS which is nice.

I would like to know if either one has a better implementation of the Android system - i.e., more polished, or less buggy.

Also, when the new version of Android for tablets comes out next year, will you be able to upgrade to that system?

I would have to say the herotab m802, I like that it comes shipped to you with 2.2 and the ability to watch flash. It also seems like herotab is also updating firmware which is a plus. The witstech has caught up slightly to the same level as the m802 which makes me wonder how much more can it be upgraded. I think with what it has it is reaching its limits. Now the 802 looks like the opposite.
You can find a comparison of different android tablets at the link in my signature. that may help you in choosing the right tablet for you.