Has anyone been able to contact Digital Gadgets lately?


Jul 23, 2011
I've been trying to get a hold of them for the past few days after not hearing from tech support in almost 2 months but nobody ever seems to answer or return my calls or emails. Maybe they're avoiding us since they know their stuff doesn't work as advertised?

EDIT: I was finally contacted and told that there is no fix for the OTG port at this time. Sounds like a defect in workmanship that would fall under warranty....
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They are alive and kicking.... Just be patient. They BEST way to get ahold of them is by using their online contact form.

Anyhow here is the conversation:


In regards to calls and emails, as we enter the holiday season, call volume is going to be high this time of the year. As we only have 6 CSR's to assist domestic and international calls. That is an increase from last year this point where there was 1 CSR! We hope that even though this number may be few to the general public we are still, honestly, a work in progress, on the support side. It's easy for those to say simply to hire more people but they don't understand the financial aspect of it, esp. what is going on today.

In regards to updates, at the moment there are not any updates that are ready for OTA (over-the-air). I do understand that many people that we have talked to have/have been looking for Flash softwares and we told all of them that our developers are still working on it. Unfortunately, an ETA for Flash has not been announced as we are anxiously waiting. As we have looked into not waiting on our developers and trying to independently purchase our own license for it; unfortunately, that is costly to mass OTA for the company as we are a little under 5 years. The Servers are NOT down and are working functionally. Again, there haven't been any available updates made available to the server. We do thank customers for their patience, as well as yours!

In regards to newer devices, YES, we have been working on other devices. We do have the 7" express plus tablets out at CVS and we will have other 10" tablet. What is really new device is out 8.4" Capacitive tablet that will be hitting the market probably in November. In regards to the 7" and 10" tablets, we are working on some capacitive as well as the original resistive screen.

I hope this information was deemed helpful and will help ease some people's views of DG/Sylvania.

Thank you very much Loren!"

And there you go....