Hi i just got the Galxy note 3 10.1 model Gt-N8013


Aug 15, 2013
Hi everyone i am new here and this is my 1st Tablet and I never had a smart phone either. I have intermediate knowledge of PC's. Would like to know if there is somewhere i can learn the basics of how to work this tablet as there isnt anything for instructions. I have it working and conected to my broadband and my verizon mi-fi and registered but thats about it. Don't know where to start??? there is so much on this I am lost LOL one thng I want to do is be able to sync it to my Kindle and pc but not sure how to do that thx in advance for any info -- also I am 65 in case you are all wondering what rock i just crawled out of....thought that might help You understand my dilemma;) Jan
Hi Jan, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new tablet. Nice of you to become a member of Android Tablets. To get started, I'd suggest you click this link to the Android Tablet Q&A section. Read the "Sticky:" threads at the beginning for some good general information about tablets and Android. Then, head down to the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 forum and start learning more about your own particular tablet. Read through the threads already posted there pertaining to things you're interested in knowing more about. Enjoy your new tablet and the forum!
Thank you, I have been browsing the forum links you suggested. Was up till midnight reading and saving useful tips to refer back to. Still lots more to study OMG! Great forum and info thx
The Galaxy Note 10.1 is a fascinating device and Samsung has in particular done a wonderful job integrating the Stylus. There is so much to learn about Android and then the fun starts as you familiarize yourself with some of the Note specific features and apps. One fun one to play with is Paper Artist, and if you are into photo editing the included Photoshop Touch optimized for the S Pen is pretty powerful editing on a tablet.
Have fun!